Third Day Teaching in Belize

When I sit here and attempt to reflect on Day #3 of teaching in San Pablo, I am speechless. I know it sounds cliché, but I have truly been blessed by being here. The attitude the students and teachers have not only about school, but life in general, is nothing short of amazing. Students immediately come up to our van when we pull up in the morning. Them trying to please us does not stop the whole day. I’ve had three great days, but today took the lead (so far). We sweated our bootys off again- thanks to the 79% humidity and heat index of 90-, but we also had the privilege of getting a tour of the village. The principal of our school, who happens to also be my AMAZING teacher (yes, the principal is also a teacher) was our tour guide. The school let out an hour early so he could do this for us! Tell me how many schools would do this in the U.S…. if you’re thinking what I’m thinking, none. During our tour, we had the privilege to see a family’s home who lives in the village, learn about their culture, and go to the river. The family who let us see their home was so kind to do so. They said it only takes them ONE day to build their home and two hours the next day to place the leaves for their roof. Going to the river is the norm for everyone in the village, but for us it was such a treat. We took a trail to the beautiful waterfall! Mr. Acal informed us that people from the village come to this place to meditate. They do this the most around December and January because they all like to start the year off happy. I think we could all take a few notes from these wonderful people, huh?! I’m soooo pumped to go swimming with my students tomorrow! They have been begging all week to go and tomorrow is P.E. day! Yes, my students get to go swim in the river for P.E. class… and since I’m here, we get to go for two hours! Woohoo!!

Before this trip, I thought I was coming here to teach my students, but they continue to teach me every day. I’m incredibly thankful for this opportunity and would encourage everyone who gets this opportunity to take it immediately!!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

P.S. Mr. Acal said if we wanted to teach for him, we could have a job tomorrow… so, if I don’t return, don’t worry! You can find me in San Pablo with my twelve precious kiddos and amazing teacher! J

Day 5 here in Belize and day 3 of us teaching in the villages! We are all exhausted but have our hearts so full. We all are already feeling so comfortable with our teachers and our students. I am feeling so grateful and blessed to be given such a life changing opportunity. As the days go on I felt more confident in my teaching. I have been doing read alouds for every lesson and the students are loving it! They are constantly asking me to read their books to them and I do every chance I get. My lessons have been going so well and I am excited to keep teaching and making progress! My students have now also gotten into the routine of lining up and hugging me at the end of the day. Today at break we were able to play with bubbles and I have never seen kids happier for bubbles. My heart is so full!
After teaching today, we explored the village and went down to one of the rivers. It was very eye opening to see how they live and how happy they are. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met. I feel very blessed to be able to travel and grow as a person and a teacher through this program. I am excited to continue exploring Belize for the next week! 


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