Relaxing Excursion Day

After singing off key, dancing despite the lack of coordination, and laughing until our stomachs hurt last night, waking up this morning was ROUGH. Coffee was absolutely necessary. Nine of us ladies joined Dr. Finch to an early morning church service at Red Bank. Experiencing a religion we surround our lives around with a different cultural twist was truly beautiful. God’s love showed no limit this morning as the preacher, who is also my coordinating teacher, preached in both Cache and English. One of the most memorable experiences so far this trip! 
To add to a wonderfully spent morning, today was resort day. Yes, with 21 females in Belize, we have got to get our tan on at some point! The afternoon started with a delicious lunch on the beach. And for the ladies who didn’t get the shrimp quesadilla- you done messed up! The rest of the afternoon was open to multiple pools, kayaking and swimming in the ocean, biking, reading, card games, and so much more. Stories were told, jokes were made, and everlasting friendships continued. 

Hannah had the ultimate day as it was her birthday. (Sorry, don’t think you’ll be able to top this birthday). Happy 22nd!


We have officially been in Belize for one week! It’s crazy how fast time has been flying while we have been here. This experience has been one of the most exhausting, exhilarating, and rewarding weeks of my life. Today half of us were able to visit Mayan Canopy Tours again to see a gorgeous waterfall, while the others had the chance to attend a church service in Red Bank Village. Jumping into the waterfall was a once in a lifetime experience that we will never forget! 

We got to take a bit of a break from the go go go nature of the trip to spend some time relaxing by the pools and beach Robert’s Grove resort. We were able to rent kayaks, jump off the pier into the Caribbean Sea, lay out at the pool, and enjoy some delicious food by the beach! It was a great way to end our first week in Belize. 

Spending time with both old and new friends has been an absolute blast. During the past two days, we have really had time to get to know one another and build more memories together. I am so happy that I had the opportunity to come on this trip and learn so much about both myself and others. I cannot wait to see what the next 5 days have in store for us!



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